Film Production

“The Open Secret” was an explorative project that started in 2017. From being a short documentary video, it went on to become a docu-fiction feature film. It was released in India in 2019 but the project has been on pause ever since due to editing conflicts. This project aims to resume its editing in 2024. Stay Tuned!


Four young film students decide on making a documentary on the lives of sex workers in the city of Kolkata. As they go on with the filming process, they come across the hardcore brutal reality of the world of prostitution. Their values and ideologies get erased in time, only to bring out the real shades of them, the ultimate hypocrisy of society.

‌The Open Secret, besides its cast of young actors, also stars 5 regular sex workers being shot at Sonagachhi itself, who have acted and brought out the hellish conditions of a painful profession.